The Only Constant in Life is Change

Healthcare is changing.  When we started Personal Healthcare Providers in February 2004, the world was a different place.  For example, prescribing medications was easy.  I called a pharmacist personally, and they filled a prescription in a timely fashion.  Now the process is impersonal and complex.  Likewise, ordering labs was simple.  We sent orders to one…

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COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Happy New Year! I hope everyone is off to a good start all things considered. Many of you have called regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. For those that did not read my Reflections and COVID-19 Update on 12/29/2020, you can find that here. As I mentioned previously, the prioritization and distribution of the vaccine is regulated…

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Reflections and COVID-19 Update

By Dr. Bill Queale During this holiday season I couldn’t help but reflect on what has been a very challenging year.  Like all of you, Karen and I have been weathering this storm.  We have seen loved ones fall ill to COVID-19 or experience the devastating effects of social isolation and school closings.  Yet, on…

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