The Importance of Sleep

We all understand the importance of sleep. Without it, many of us are irritable, slow to respond, and even forgetful. Although sleep is essential, it is also a mystery to doctors and scientists. While the exact reason the body needs sleep is still unclear, research points to sleep being a period of detoxification for the…

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When is the Right Time to See a Functional Medicine Provider?

Any decision regarding your health or medical care can be a big one. One of the most impactful decisions you can make is changing your primary care provider, especially if you’re seeing a functional medicine provider for the first time. Below, our team of experts at Personal Healthcare Providers provide insight into indicators that could…

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First Steps to Lowering Blood Pressure Through Functional Medicine

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the most common health conditions in the United States. In fact, over 116 million adults— more than 47% of the population– have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. This common condition can have big impacts on an individual’s health, and if left untreated, can have…

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How to Find the Right Functional Medicine Provider for You

The process of finding a healthcare professional that you truly like and trust can be a challenging one. If you’re branching out into a new area of medicine, such as functional medicine, the process can be even more overwhelming. We understand that making a decision as personal as selecting a doctor is not a simple…

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Tips to Improve Your Sleeping Habits and Health

Sleep is more than just beauty rest or counting sheep, it is an essential process that allows the body to recharge. The functional medicine experts at Personal Healthcare Providers offer insight into the benefits of sleep and how you can make sure you’re getting enough.  Sleep: Why and How Much  To dial in your sleep…

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What is Functional Nutrition and How Can It Improve Your Health?

Food is fuel: it is what your body needs to power all daily functions. However, not all food is created equal. Not all bodies are able to process food the same. Due to factors such as age, gender, lifestyle and genetic individuality, each person needs different things from their diet. Functional nutrition takes a whole…

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Exercise Types for Heart Health

The heart is one of the strongest muscles in your body. It is responsible for pumping blood to the rest of your body and is working constantly. The average adult heart beats 72 times a minute, 100,000 times a day, 3.6 million times a year, and 2.5 billion times during a 70-year span. That’s a…

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A Functional Medicine Approach to Complex Diseases

William S. Queale, MD, MHSErin Prokop, CRNP Many people suffer from complex diseases. Complex diseases are chronic conditions that cause multiple symptoms and often defy diagnosis with conventional medicine. They reduce quality of life and can lead to significant disability. At Personal Healthcare Providers, we feel that understanding and treating complex diseases requires looking at…

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Understanding the Treatment Components of Functional Medicine

The human body is a complex system. Centuries’ worth of genetic variants and environmental stressors impact how the body functions.  Functional medicine is a clinical model that takes all of these factors into account. Treatment is personalized to each individual patient based on their family history, personal story, and current lifestyle. Here, our experts at…

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Focus on Health Care, not Sick Care

By: William S. Queale, MD Let’s be honest. We do not have a health care system in this country. We have a $3.5 trillion sick care system, in which companies make massive profits providing goods and services to people who are ill. While we can discuss ways to reduce the cost of medical care, I…

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